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Sycamore Class 2024-25

Welcome to the Sycamore Class pages where you can find out all about our Year 4 children and their learning.

Sycamore Class Newsletter Autumn 2024

Sycamore Class Newsletter Spring 2025

Mulitplication Tables Check

Term 1 and 2

Sycamore Class have had a jam-packed two terms of learning! In Term 1, our topic of ‘Food Glorious Food’ led us to learning about food miles and the difference between local and imported food. We also designed and created delicious biscuits! Horrid Henry formed the basis of our English learning, with the children writing their own engaging Horrid Henry stories.



This term, we have been learning about how children’s lives have changed over time, comparing modern day life with Victorians and Tudors. In DT, we planned and created brilliant pavilion structures! Our English has been based all to do with ‘How to Train Your Dragon’, with the children creating excellent pieces of descriptive and narrative writing. We especially loved reading all about each other’s dragon designs.


Our class has been busy exploring and investigating in science. In Term 1, we explored animals including humans, looking at digestion and teeth. We were particularly grossed out by our digestive system experiment! This term, we were exploring all things electricity, understanding how to be safe around electricity whilst also experimenting with different components to make electrical circuits.


In maths, we have developed our understanding of place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In PE, we have had lots of fun doing football, gymnastics and Zumba – we have worked super hard and shown great teamwork. In RE, we have learnt about the creation story and the Trinity. We have had sooo much fun at forest school too!


A huge well done for all your achievements both in and out of school - I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring and look forward to seeing you all in the new year! Have a wonderful and very well-deserved Christmas break.


 See you in Term 3 


Miss Baker



Autumn term class newsletter

Spring term class newsletter

Summer term newsletter

Summer term 2 newsletter

Y4 Autumn term spellings

Y4 Spring term spellings

Y4 Summer term spellings



Newsletter Term 6 2023

Spellings Term 6 2023

KIRF Term 6 2023

RSE Letter Term 6 2023

And just like that, Sycamore Class have reached the end of Year 4! They have been absolutely amazing all year. Each and every one of them should be incredibly proud of themselves for all that they have accomplished both inside and outside of school!


In Term 5, Sycamore class had the topic of ‘Home Sweet Home’, where we were looking at map work linking to the local area, thinking about OS grid-references. We also thought lots about areas around the world, comparing climates, houses and lifestyles, exploring where we would choose to live if we could pick anywhere. In English, we read the book ‘The Journey’ which tells the story of a refugee family. This lead to some fantastic writing in a range of styles, thinking about the emotions of those in the story, using drama to support with this learning.


Term 6 has been especially jam-packed with a wide variety of learning all focusing around the whole school vehicle of ‘Inspire’, with each week looking at a different theme. We have had so many events going on too across both terms; ranging from sports day to language ambassadors to boogie bounce to forest school and everything in between - they have been especially hard-working in everything  and a joy to teach as always!

In Science, the children have continued to show an inquisitive attitude to learning. Sycamore class learnt about living things in Term 5, exploring classification keys and how living things can be grouped in a range of different ways. They found all sorts of living things when they went on a hunt around school, with lots of bugs being found in dark areas of the school grounds. During Term 6, they recapped and refreshed their memory on some of the content we have covered throughout the year. We used Oobleck to question our states of matter knowledge and created circuits using our electricity learning to put into our fantastic DT night light designs.


In maths, we have been exceptionally busy with developing our understanding of shape, time, statistics, fractions, decimals, and position and direction.  In PE, the children have shown excellent skill and sportsmanship with both athletics and Frisbee. During RSE, we have explored ‘relationships’ and ‘changing me’. In RE, we have learnt about Hinduism and thought about life as a journey, thinking about the differences between religions.

 I have loved working with everyone in Sycamore Class this year and it has been a pleasure to see them grow in all different ways. I wish them every success going into Year 5 and beyond – I know they are going to be brilliant! Have a super summer and restful break ready for next year.

Thank you for an incredible year - see you in September!

Miss Baker

Sycamore Class have had a super busy Term 3 and 4, with so much learning going on. Yet again, they have been absolutely amazing and a joy to teach! In Term 3, Sycamore Class entered into the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt. We became Egyptologists, crawling through tombs and entered one of the great pyramids, uncovering historical sources and artefacts. We explored Gods and Goddesses, Pharaohs, the River Nile and much more before ending the term with an exciting Egyptian day!

Term 4 was full of all things festival fun! We hand-jived, sang and danced our way through the term, exploring rock and roll in music. In English, we thought about the sights and sounds of Diwali, prompting some excellent descriptions, wrote fantastic firework poems, and used our imagination and persuasive skills to create our own festival (we had some very unique ideas!). We ended the term with our own class festival wearing our brilliantly created tie-dye t-shirts, cooking our healthy pizzas that we had planned in DT, and ended the day with ‘Holi’ festival powder throwing.

Sycamore Class have shown their super knowledge in all aspects of learning over the past two terms! In science, we explored sound and carried out lots of investigations to understand how sounds are created and travel to our ears - we enjoyed using the string telephones that we made to communicate with each other. We also explored the digestive system and teeth, where we carried out some incredibly disgusting science experiments!

In Maths we have developed our understanding of multiplication, division, area and fractions using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. In PE we have had lots of fun doing gymnastics and hockey – we show great encouragement and teamwork in these lessons. During RSE, we have explored our ‘dreams and goals’ and thought about what makes a ‘healthy me’.

In RE we have learnt about salvation and the Easter story. In term 3, we did a variety of creations, animations and further coding on Scratch.

As always, we are very proud of all your achievements and can’t wait for everything else we get up to in the final couple of terms.

See you after the well-deserved Easter break! Miss Baker and Mrs Cayuela 

 Sycamore Class have had an amazing start to the year, with so much excellent learning going on already - they have been nothing short of superstars!

Term 1 transported us back in time to the Roman era, where the children found themselves exploring a Roman fort to find out all about inventions, timelines and daily life. We have since explored how the Romans invaded Britain and looked at key individuals such as Julius Caesar and Boudicca. Our English work focused around the text ‘Escape from Pompeii’, followed by us looking at the Roman myth of ‘Romulus and Remus’.

Sycamore Sealine sailed the rocky seas at the start of Term 2, taking us on an around the world trip – we had some very enthusiastic pirates on deck! We tasted food from the seven continents, viewed the wonders of the world, proved ourselves as explorers through a difficult obstacle course and did some great singing, art and research. The children were hit by a chaotic earthquake, prompting some great newspaper reports. In English, there has also been brilliant persuasive writing, description and poetry.

Our class is full of inquisitive scientists and what fun we have had.  In Term 1, we were exploring all things electricity, understanding how to be safe around electricity whilst also experimenting with different components to make electrical circuits. There were some fascinating circuits created using our knowledge of conductors and insulators. This term, we explored states of matter, making lots of careful observations (we loved the tasty chocolate experiment and making ice cream without a freezer!).


In maths, we have developed our understanding of place value, addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. In PE, we have had lots of fun doing basketball and dance – we have worked so hard and shown great teamwork! During RSE, we have explored how we are all unique and celebrated that each of us are different. In RE, we have learnt about the creation story and the Trinity, and art has been full of mosaics and watercolour painting. Everyone in Sycamore class has been spectacular and done SOO much incredible work!


We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring – you have all been AWESOME! We are super proud of all of your achievements, both in school and out. Have a wonderful and very well-deserved Christmas break. Let’s hope Elvis isn’t too mischievous whilst we are away.


We look forward to seeing you in Term 3 J


Miss Baker and Mrs Cayuela