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Maple Class 2024-25

Welcome to the Maple Class pages where you can find out all about our Year 1 children and their learning. 

Maple Class Newsletter Autumn 2024

Maple Class Newsletter Spring 2025

Phonics in Maple Class

Term 1 and 2 2024

Maple Class have had an incredible beginning to Year 1 and have been letting their light shine with their respect, friendship, courage and resilience.

These last two terms, during our English lessons, we have explored a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. We have created our own stories and learnt how to write a range of commands. We have been learning how to use capital letters, full stops and adding suffixes such as –ed, -ing and –er. We have also been working hard on our letter formation and this is something we will keep working on when we move into ‘lead ins’ and ‘lead outs’ in term 3.

In our Maths, we have been developing our understanding of Place Value and addition and subtraction within 10. We have also been recognising, naming and sorting 2D and 3D shapes.

In our Curriculum time, we have been looking at ‘Seasonal Change' and 'Every Day Materials’ in science, learning about online safety in computing, investigating ‘What it is like to live here?’ in geography, exploring ‘How am I making History?', creating a moving storybook and exploring wheels and axles in DT.  We have also been focusing on our drawing and woven wonders for our Christmas gifts.

In RE, we have been investigating ‘What do Christians believe God is like?’ and ‘Why does Christmas matter for Christians?’ In PSHE, we have been looking at ‘Being Me in My World’ and ‘Celebrating Difference’. In PE, we have worked on our football skills and then created a gymnastics routine in term 2.

Our Courageous Advocacy has been inspired by the book ‘Tidy’ by Emily Gravett. It inspired us to save the world by not littering and help to tidy up our environment. In term 1, we created posters to encourage people to put their rubbish in the bin and look after the environment. We posted this around our school to encourage a tidy school. In term 2, we have been working on ‘Saving our World from Home’. The children wowed us with how creative they were with their super ideas such as feeding birds, turning lights off and saving water.

Finally, the children WOWED everyone with their magical and funky performance of ‘Lights, Camel, Action!’. I am so proud of how hard the children worked to learn their lines, songs and dances. They were absolutely amazing!



Maple Class have had an amazing term 3 and 4!

Firstly, we explored a range of traditional tales from Chicken Licken to Dragon Dinosaur. The children became authors and created their own super stories! We used our textile skills to create our own fairy tale puppets and used our computing skills to programme Beebots and programme them through a fairy-tale setting. We also used our observations to explore seasonal change, daily weather patterns and weather throughout the 4 seasons.

In term 4, have looked at the question ‘what makes a good vehicle for our journey?’ We investigated some countries around the world and the children found some amazing facts. We created super diary entries following the Snail and the Whale’s journey around the world and created our own perfect vehicles, using our knowledge of wheels and axles. We had a lovely trip to the church to think about ‘Why do Christians celebrate Easter?’ The children explored a range of stations such as question time with Mrs Clover, creating their own Easter gardens and creating Easter drawings.

Finally, we finished our term with a lovely Easter party, as a reward for Maple Class’ hard work fundraising for Friends of Lympne. The children made scrumptious cakes and loved sharing these with their adults! Thank you to Friends of Lympne for our party food and ingredients!

The children have worked so hard these 2 terms and we are so proud of them!

We hope you have a relaxing and fun Easter holiday!

Autumn term class newsletter

Phonics in Maple Class

Spring term class newsletter

Summer term newsletter

Summer term spellings

Y1 Phonics Progression Map




What an awesome final two terms, we have had in Maple Class.

We have experienced a range of sports, such as trying Tennis and the Inclusive Sports festival. The children have always taken on the challenges with a smile and consistently done so well!


In term 5, we looked at the question ‘Real or Mythical?’, where we looked at a range of different dinosaurs and fairy tales. The children wrote their own amazing fairy tales, which were so exciting to read and share.  We also created some super dinosaur art, such as standing dinosaur sculptures and awesome collages. We then had a lovely trip to Port Lympne, where we used our science knowledge to look at a range of animals, including dinosaurs, and used our super geographical knowledge to use a map to navigate.

Within term 6, we have been thinking about who and what inspires us? We have looked at someone who has inspired us each week. For week one, we looked at Advancing the World through inventions and looked specifically at Grace Darling and which invention helped her, in her inspiring life. In week 2, we had our Eco Week and looked at Wangari Maathai and how she has helped our world, we also explored Fair Trade and what this means. In week 3, we further investigated fair trade products and created Fabulous Fair Trade Fruit Salads for Willow Class to ease their transition worries. In week 4, we also looked at the 4 countries in the UK and focused on one inspirational person from each country. These were Alexander Graham Bell (Scottish), Mary Anning (British), Betty Coleman (Welsh) and Ernest Shackleton (Irish). In week 5, we had our Performing Arts week and create amazing puppets and stories. In week 6, we had our Art week and created our amazing beach pictures. We then had our amazing Sports Day and the children were so awesome; cheering their friends on and trying their hardest with all of their races.

The children have wowed me this year with their enthusiasm within all of our learning. Their hard work and determination shines brightly through all of their work. They are a pleasure to teach and such an awesome class.

I would just like to say thank you for such an amazing year, from the most amazing children to all the support from home. This really has made such a huge difference to all of the children, particularly with their awesome Phonics! Also, thank you so much for the gifts, cards and beautiful drawings. We are so grateful. Thank you.

Term 3+4 2023

What an amazing Term Three and Four we have had in Maple Class!

Firstly, we had looked at different journeys around the world, through the story of ‘The Snail and the Whale.’ We particularly focused on the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The children wowed us with their learning of animals, significant individuals and about the environment. We also worked hard to investigate different Polar vehicles. We then did some market research to see what people look for in a vehicle, then designed and created ‘The perfect Polar vehicle’.

The children performed a fantastic Gymnastics routine, where they worked hard to learn new skills, practice and perfect their routines.

In Term 4, we looked at the question ‘Where will our rockets take us?’ We investigated different planets and solar systems. We used the story ‘Beegu’ to explore how we would feel being lost on a different planet and created perfect friends for Beegu using our own personal experiences. We then had our Space party with a picnic, lots of crafts and creating star constellations with marshmallows and spaghetti. The children looked awesome in their super space costumes!

Finally, we had a lovely trip to the church to think about ‘Why do Christians celebrate Easter?’ The children explored a range of stations such as question time with Rev Barry, exploring signs of Spring and creating their own Easter gardens.

We are so proud of all the super learning and hard work that the children have done these past terms! They are a pleasure to teach.

We hope you have a relaxing and fun Easter holiday!

Term 1 + 2 2022

What an amazing start to Term 1 and 2! Maple Class have settled in really well to Key Stage 1 and back into school. In Term 1, we focused our learning on ‘Amazing Me’ and amazing individuals, our amazing bodies and our environment. We have been on a bear hunt and explored all the different places with our senses. We have been on a walk around Lympne and planned our routes through our observations.

In Term 2, we have been thinking all about the Great Fire of London. We have been wowed by the children’s knowledge, drawings, writing and creations! We worked hard to research and design our own fire-proof 17th Century houses and then tested to see which houses were the most fire proof. Only 2 houses survived the fire!

We have also been on a trip to the church to create Christingles! The children really enjoyed this and we learnt lots about Christingles and found lots of different signs of Christmas for our RE topic! Finally, we performed our Nativity ‘Lights, Camel, Action!’ The children were stars and we hope you enjoyed their amazing singing and dancing!