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Friends of Lympne School

Friends of Lympne School (FOLS)

All parents and carers automatically become members when their children start the school and this is what helps to make the school special with parents and teachers working together for the benefit of the school and our children.

FOLS meet throughout the year to plan events to bring the school together as a community whilst raising funds for those 'little' extras that enhance learning.

Money raised recently has helped to pay for school trips, pantomime visits, library resources, outdoor equipment, spending money for residential trips and a whole host of things.

FOLS look forward to meeting you and hope you will attend and help out where you can

Some of the main events which FOLS organise are the Summer and Christmas Fetes, discos and one off events.  This year FOLS are refurbishing the Orange Room into a sensory room as well as funding a whole host of smaller projects.

Members of FOLS look forward to meeting you and hope you will attend and help out where you can.

If you would like to contact a member of FOLS committee please  email: 

Supporting our School

As you are aware we are trying to raise much needed funds for the school and we have exciting news! We have teamed up with a Which recommended energy supplier that is offering the cheapest rates on the market who will donate 50% of the commission they make for new customers sign ups to our school!  


Not only are they the cheapest energy provider in the market, but some households will also qualify for 6 months free super-fast broadband and low cost unlimited mobile sims, not to mention up to 10% cashback on all your shopping. That’s hundreds back in our families pockets every year and hundreds more to support the school.


Please use this link to check if you qualify and see how much you could be saving and earning for our school.