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SEND Provision 

We are an inclusive school, working hard to meet all needs children may have to ensure that they are safe, happy and ready to learn and achieve their potential.

These needs may be on-going or just be present for a short while, they may be additional needs, or Special needs.

They may take the form of Learning needs, Medical needs, Social and Emotional needs, Physical needs or Communication and Interaction needs.  

Upon entry to our school, we ask parents to keep us informed of any possible barriers or needs to learning that a child may have so that we can plan accordingly and ensure that needs are being met to the best of our ability in the quickest time scale.  

If at any point in your child's time with us, we become worried about your child's wellbeing, progress or attainment, we will keep you informed and updated about our concerns via parent meetings and consultations. 

We will always fully support the whole child's development to ensure that potential is met.

In our school, we hold termly progress meetings which provide us with an opportunity to discuss and plan for the subsequent term’s provision for each class group.  When we identify that children may need some extra support to continue to make progress and access the curriculum, we will adjust class and group provision accordingly and closely monitor progress - this is classified as Additional Needs.   If this extra intervention doesn't have the impact required, we will work with parents and staff to plan a Special Needs Support plan to ensure that all needs are being met and potential is being met - this is classified as Special Educational Needs.  

In conjunction with parents, we may also work closely with a range of outside agencies to support our provision for children, including Speech and Language therapists, Occupational Therapists, the School Nursing Team, Community Paediatricians, Specialist teaching and Learning Team, Kent SEN Team and Children's and Young People's Mental Health team.  Referrals for these services can be sourced from school, health or parents. 

We will always fully support the whole child's development to ensure that potential is met. At our school, Inclusion and Special Needs is led by Anna Ladd who is accessible on as well as in person on the gate.


A copy of the Local Offer from KCC can be found here:

Local Offer