School Uniform
Our school supplier is:
Second hand uniform is available at our regular Friends of Lympne School after school sales for £1 per item.
A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all members of the school community at all times and the uniform policy for pupils plays a key part in helping us to achieve this. We are proud of our school uniform and encourage children to also feel proud of belonging to Lympne Church of England Primary School. We positively encourage our children to take responsibility for their personal appearance.
Our school uniform:
- Promotes a sense of pride in the school
- Promotes a feeling of community and belonging
- Is practical, simple and smart
- Identifies the children with the school
- Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
It is our school policy that all pupils must wear:
- School round neck logo jumper
- School logo cardigan
- School polo shirt with logo
- Grey trousers/skirt/shorts
- Grey/green/black tights or white, grey, black socks with skirts
- Grey/dark coloured socks with trousers
- White socks with summer dresses
- Plain Black shoes – without heels, without open toes, not trainers or boots
- Sew on logos are available from Springers and the school office
PE Kit - to be worn to school on PE days
- Trainers (any colour)
- Team t-shirt – red, blue, green or yellow
- Black/dark shorts
- Plain dark tracksuit in the winter
No jewellery is permitted to be worn in school except a watch (not smart watches). These should be removed for PE.
Earrings may be worn but must be plain studs and must be taped up for PE or removed. Hoops or other earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings etc. are not to be worn.
Hairstyles/Make Up
We expect all children to have a suitable haircut for primary school.
Where a child has long hair we expect it to be tied back with a simple plain hair band/ small plain green/grey bow- not a head scarf- (unless for religious reasons.)
Make up and cosmetics are not considered appropriate or consistent with our school ethos and values. The school does not permit such products to be worn by any children. If your child has had nail varnish on the fingers at the weekend/evening please can you ensure that it is removed.