Elm Class 2024-25
Welcome to the Elm Class pages where you can find out all about our Year 6 children and their learning.
Elm Class Newsletter Autumn 2024
Elm Class Newsletter Spring 2025
Term 1 and 2 2024
We have had the most wonderful start to Year 6 and have taken part in some amazing activities so far!
We kick-started the year with our Child of Hope day, where we raised over £200 for the charity in Uganda. Elm Class took on the responsibility of writing letters to the children and were thrilled to receive their own in return. We will be writing more letters throughout the year and staying in touch with Lucy, who is our contact out in Uganda.
Bikeability was a huge success and all the children passed both levels! They all learnt the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on the road safely and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Our Cathedral Day was also great, filled with a range of activities within the Cathedral. The children had the chance to make their own books, carve their initials on stone and even play the Cathedral’s mighty organ! We then took part in a Worship, along with other schools and the children did us proud. They carried our Lympne school banner with pride and read out their own prayers to everyone in the service.
We have enjoyed our learning so far and the children have taken a real interest in our class texts: Percy Jackson and Goodnight Mr Tom (which we have yet to finish). They have worked hard to revise their grammar and punctuation, putting it into practice within their writing. They have produced some excellent newspaper reports; detailed non-chronological reports based on The Battle of Britain and some tense and exciting narratives based on our English text, Rose Blanche. I am looking forward to our class text next term, Northern Lights, which will involve lots of interesting and extended writing opportunities.
Maths is popular this year and the children have taken on the challenge of long division well! We have been working on our fluency with our methods and have started our fractions topic this term. They have also been practising their bar models due to Decembar! TTRockstars has been a success and Elm Class have won the trophy a few times now. I will continue to encourage the children as much as possible to play at home so that we can continue to be victorious!
Finally, the children have worked so hard to revise and learn new strategies this year. I am very proud of them in their most recent SATs assessments; they did brilliantly. They make me proud every day with their enthusiasm and engagement for learning and they really are excellent role models at Lympne School.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Best Wishes
Mrs Hayes
Elm Class Term 3 and 4
We have had such a busy term.
In term three, our topic was called ‘Home Sweet Habitat’ and was based on our Science topic, Animals and their Habitats, and our Geography topic, Would you like to live in the desert? We found out about Carl Linnaeus and his classification system, and deserts around the world, especially the Mojave Desert in America. Our DT topic was Structures and the Playground environment. We researched, designed and made our own miniature playgrounds.
In English, we read Street Child – the fictional story based on true facts about a young boy, Jim Jarvis, in Victorian London – and how Dr Barnado gave him a home. We also researched the Workhouses and child labour before having a class debate. This was finished with a written balanced argument.
In computing, we learned about QR codes and have created our own to inform people about areas of our school.
Our Vehicle in term four was Be Strong; Live Long! The whole term was all about keeping ourselves physically and mentally strong. We used Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief to base all our English writing which was reinforced with the Ancient Greeks. Our Science topic, Animals including Humans, continued with finding out about the effects of drugs, exercise and nutrition on the body. Our RSE topic was Healthy Me! and making the right choices.
In DT, we prepared and cooked a Greek meal. We marinated chicken before cooking the Souvlaki on a hot plate. We sliced, diced and chopped fresh goods to make Tzatziki and Greek Salad. In the afternoon, we ate our creations with pitta bread.
Please see our Bewl Water Page!
Y6 Autumn term spellingsY6 Spring term spellings
Elm Class Term 5 and 6
And we’ve finally made it to the end of the summer term...and what a term!
In Term 5, we began with SATs revision that was so worth it. Well done to everyone as it is not easy sitting a test anytime, let alone when you’re 11. Elm class did really well and you should ALL be very proud of yourselves.
We also had an afternoon of archery and fire fighter fitness. The King’s Coronation gave us a day of celebration along with an extra Bank Holiday Monday. Some of us had visits from our secondary school teachers.
In Science , we studied electricity and made working circuits as well as created some stunning art work using sketching skills.
The short term whizzed by…
Then came Term 6 with a phenomenal amount of activity! Hold on to your hats…
We used this term to study Wolf Brother and do our own projects based on Wolves in between popping out to see our new secondary schools.
We had Forest School when we enjoyed making spiced apples - YUM! We also spent the time making dens, building cars, creating shops, crafting animals out of wood and so much more. We were so lucky!
Most of us took part in Bikeability. We had a day on the playground learning how to be safe on the road before going out around the village to practise before being tested on our road safety.
Then came the momentous occasion we had all been building up to…our residential to Bewl Water. What an adventure we had full of new experiences, ranging from Raft Building to Bed making!!! We ate well, played well and even slept well! Such a fantastic time!
Once we were home, we had our transition days at our new schools. After having a well-earned rest at the weekend, we came back to school on Monday for tennis at Sellindge and a run through of our year 6 musical: The Pirates of the Curry Bean. Tuesday was the dress rehearsal in front of the school followed by an afternoon performance for friends and family. Wednesday saw us taking a public bus into Folkestone to have a go at Skateboarding and Bouldering at the new skate park F51. Then it was back to school in the evening for a final performance of our musical. Everyone was AMAZING!! Such great acting, singing and dancing. Friday was our sports day finished off with our end of year summer fayre where we all received our Leavers’ Hoodies (thanks to FOLS).
The only thing left this term is our Leavers’ Service and a fond farewell to our fabulous year 6 of 2023.
We wish you all the very best of luck as you move on with your learning at secondary school and hope you take with you some incredible memories where you have been growing together and branching out. We hope you have had the best time opening your hearts and minds and that you take this message with you as you grow.
GOOD LUCK!...over and out.
Elm Class Term 3 and 4
We have had such a busy term.
In term three, our Vehicle was called ‘Home Sweet Habitat’ and was based on our Science topic, Animals and their Habitats, and our Geography topic on Climate zones and biomes. It began with each team designing and creating our display area – it looked amazing! We found out about living things and classification keys before investigating mould.
In English, we read Street Child – the fictional story based on true facts about a young boy, Jim Jarvis, in Victorian London – and how Dr Barnado gave him a home. We also researched the Workhouses and child labour before having a class debate. This was finished with a written balanced argument.
In computing, we learned how to use coding in MSWLogo and Python to create shapes and repeated patterns to create a pattern based on the beautiful designs in Muslim architecture.
Our Vehicle in term four was Be Strong; Live Long! The whole term was all about keeping ourselves physically and mentally strong. We used Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief to base all our English writing which was reinforced with the Ancient Greeks. Our Science topic, Animals including Humans, continued with finding out about the effects of drugs, exercise and nutrition on the body. Our RSE topic was Healthy Me! and making the right choices. We found out about the Spartans and Athenians and made our own storyboard on the Battle of Marathon – the first marathon run by, Phidipides.
In DT, we researched Greek recipes to create our own, before having a day preparing and cooking. We marinated chicken before cooking the Souvlaki on a hot plate. We sliced, diced and chopped fresh goods to make Tzatziki and Greek Salad. In the afternoon, we ate our creations with pitta bread.
We finished our Vehicle by having an art day. We found out about Phidias, one of the greatest sculptures of Ancient Greek times, and so we used clay to create Greek pots. We also made plaster of Paris plaques which we carved Greek designs into.
See you next term for the final installment for our Year 6…
Elm Class Term 1 and 2
What a busy and brilliant start to our year 6!
So much learning and activity has taken place already!
In term one, our Vehicle was all about ‘What Mr Darwin Saw’. We started by finding out about the timeline of how the World and its creatures began and learned about leaders in the Natural World of Science, such as Charles Darwin and Mary Anning. In English, we used our understanding to write reports on Darwin’s and Anning’s lives. To understand the work of Charles Darwin and his theory on ‘Survival of the fittest’, we pretended to be birds with different shaped beaks. Using different tweezers, we tested which were the best shape to pick up seeds. We found out that the birds with pointed beaks were much more likely to survive if their diet consisted of sunflower and pumpkin seeds. We also role played the life of Mary Anning and found out how important she was in the role of understanding fossils (or ‘Curiosities’ as they were known back then).
This worked really well with our RE topic of Creation and Science: Conflicting or Complementary? As we were able to explore our Scientific knowledge of how the world began with the religious knowledge of the creation story. Deep discussions, both Scientific and Theological were had!
In Art, we learned how to draw perspective using a horizon line and vanishing point before finding out about the artist, Hilma af Klint, and her abstract paintings. We then applied all our learning to create our own paintings using both perspective skills and abstract art. A fabulous display of the hard work we’ve put in all term.
Term two was our Vehicle ‘Lest We Forget’. Our English was based on the Book, Rose Blanche, and we produced some amazing descriptive narratives, diary entries and newspaper reports.
We went to the Church on 11th November to read out the Beatitudes and to remember those who fought for us – We will remember them. This was linked with our RE topic - What would Jesus do?- as the Beatitudes were spoken by Jesus at the Sermon on the Mount when he taught his disciples lessons for living.
Our music gave us the opportunity to sing songs from World War II and find out about Dame Vera Lynn. We learned the Solfa ladder (Do-Re-Mi, etc), pitch and harmony.
To support the Reception children, this term we were lucky enough to go with them to the local shop where they could buy themselves a treat. Next term, we hope to join them on another outing.
We’ve been busy sending letters too! We have written to our link schools in France and Uganda. We have been lucky enough to receive replies from France already and hope to visit them next year. The Child of Hope School have received our first letters and we hope that our Christmas cards will be delivered before Christmas.
So much achieved in such a short space of time!
I wonder what term three and four will bring?
Merry Christmas, Everyone See you in 2023