Beech Class 2024-25
Welcome to the Beech Class pages where you can find out all about our Year 3 children and their learning.
Beech Class Newsletter Autumn 2024
Beech Class Newsletter Spring 2025
Term 1 and Term 2 2024
What an amazing start to this school year! Beech Class have gone from strength to strength and have settled in really well. We have taken part in some super exciting learning.
In Term One, we learnt all about mountains in Geography. The class particularly loved learning about volcanoes! We did some fantastic writing based on the 'Lights on cotton rock'. I was really impressed by their Diary entries. The children worked super hard on their football skills during our PE lessons.
In Term Two, we started off the term with a day dedicated to the Stone Age. We created our very own timelines and discovered a cave in our classroom where we drew cave paintings. Since then, we have learnt about Stone Age life all the way to the Bronze Age. They have been fantastic historians. We have read Fantastic Mr. Fox this term and have written lots description focusing on our gramma skills.
Over both terms, the children have developed their mathematical skills by using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to support their learning in place value, addition and subtraction. We finished term 2 with learning about fractions.
Across term 1 and 2, as a class we read The Beast and the Bethany by Jack Meggitt-Phillip and the children loved it! This book is part of a series and I would highly recommend for reading at home 🙂
I have been super impressed by the children’s resilence and passion for their learning so far this year! They are superstars!
Spring Term Update
Wow! I cannot believe we are already at the end of Term 4! What a brilliant couple of terms it has been.
In Term 3, we learnt all about the Stone Age to the Iron age. The children explored cave paintings, searching through history for clues and made a life size timeline. We learnt about famous landmarks such as Stone Henge and Skara Brae. In Term 4, we started learning about Antarctica and delved deeper into what life is like there. We loved learning about the famous explorer Shackleton.
In English in Term 3, we read Fantastic Mr Fox. The children wrote fantastic stories, description, debates and letters. In Term 4, we learnt about the legend of King Arthur and focused on the sword in the stone. We wrote amazing description and a detailed newspaper article. We also read The Iron Man which the children loved! Some even said it was the best book they have ever read!
In Maths, we focused on securing our knowledge of addition, subtraction and multiplication. The children are developing a greater understanding of number and I am proud of how hard they worked.
In PE, we were hockey players for Term 3 and worked really hard on our defense skills. In Term 4, we focused on Tag Rugby and played in very competitive matches for Mark from SST.
We ended Term 4 with sewing amazing cushions, the children built upon the knowledge from year 2 and I was amazed at how resilient, creative and patient they were when they were doing it.
Thank you for your endless support and for your amazing children!
Have a lovely Easter!
Summer Term Update
Wow! What a year Beech Class have had. I have loved every single moment working with these amazing and wonderful children. They have grown into resilient learners, have worked hard and have had fun. We have learnt about the rainforest, directing Santa around the UK on Christmas eve, the stone age, the amazing Ancient Egyptians, became explorers in Antarctica and learnt about how the Romans invaded Britain. They have embraced our learning this year and have impressed me with their knowledge.
We had an amazing trip to Kent Life where the children enjoyed an array of activities. The children were impeccably behaved and represented the school well.
I will miss your children immensely next year but cannot wait to see how they grow in year 4.
Have a lovely and well deserved summer holiday!
Thank you for such a lovely year!
Miss Durham and Mrs Ralph

Year 3 Autumn term spellingsYear 3 Spring term spellings
Year 3 Summer term 2 spellings
Wow! What a year Beech Class have had. I have loved every single moment working with these amazing and wonderful children. They have grown into resilient learners, have worked hard and have had fun. We have learnt about the rainforest, directing Santa around the UK on Christmas eve, London during the Blitz and the terrible Tudors. We have had numerous sporting opportunities and had the pleasure of Mr Foley teaching us throughout the year.
This term we have been inspired by different themes each week. We kicked it off by learning about the James Webb telescope and we litter picked and cleaned road signs with year R around Lympne. We emerged ourselves in the world of Matilda the musical, became illustrators for stories and even played revolting children on the glockenspiels! It was truly magnificent! The children were so open to learning new things and it was lovely to see them become so excited about what they were learning about.
e had an amazing trip to Kent Life where the children enjoyed an array of activities all about WW2. The children were impeccably behaved and represented the school well.
I will miss your children immensely next year but cannot wait to see how they grow in year 4.
Thank you for such a lovely year!
Miss Durham, Mrs Ransley and Miss Bullard.
Wow! I cannot believe we are already at the end of Term 4! What a brilliant couple of terms it has been.
We kicked off Term 3 with our hook day to get the children excited all about World War 2. The children were evacuated to the hall and learnt all about how the war started and who it was started by. The children spent some time thinking about what they would pack in their suitcase if they were being evacuated and they guessed what was in mine and Mrs Ransley's case.
In English, we read The Lion and the Unicorn and learnt all about what happened to Lenny. The children wrote fantastic poems, stories, diary entries and detailed descriptions.
In Maths, we focused on securing our knowledge of addition, subtraction and multiplication. The children are developing a greater understanding of number and I am proud of how hard they worked.
In PE, we were gymnasts for Term 3 and performed beautifully in front of a coach from Dover gymnastics from Shepway Sports Trust. In Term 4, we focused on hockey and played in very competitive matches for a coach from the Folkestone Optimists.
At the end of Term 3, Beech Class were successful in filling there marble jar and so they were treated to a day of their choice. We watched The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with their very own pick 'n' mix station and a popcorn machine.
At the end of the Term 4, the children dressed up as WW2 evacuees. We had our very own VE day where we made decorations and had a in class picnic with games that children would have played during in the war. The children were so brilliantly behaved.
In Science, we have been focusing on plants and rocks and became fantastic paleontologists.
I am so proud of Beech class, they show a love of learning day in day out and they are a pleasure to teach!
Have a lovely Easter break!
Miss Durham, Mrs Ransley, Miss Bullard and Mr Foley
What an amazing start to this school year! Beech Class have gone from strength to strength and have settled in really well. We have taken part in some super exciting learning.
In Term One, we learnt about the secrets of the rainforest where we focused on the amazon rainforest and its inhabitants! We did some fantastic retelling of the story 'The Great Kapok Tree'. The children channeled their inner artists and created some beautiful rainforest picture based on the artist Henri Rousseau.
In Term Two, we started off the term with a Christmas inspired day where Santa Claus asked the children to learn all about the United Kingdom to help him fly on Christmas Eve. Since then, the children have been learning about the countries within the UK in more depth. We have read The King who Banned the Dark and the Tree that came to be. We have written lots of narratives, letters, retellings and diary entries.
Over both terms, the children have developed their mathematical skills by using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to support their learning in place value, addition and subtraction. We also took part in Barvember, which the children really loved.
I have been super impressed by the children’s endurance and passion for their learning so far this year! They are superstars!
I hope you have a lovely and well-deserved Christmas!
Miss Durham, Mrs Ransley and Miss Bullard 🙂