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Parent and Carer Questionnaires

Thank you for completing this year’s parent survey. Your feedback is important to us and very helpful.

It was great to receive much positive feedback, particularly about our hard working staff and Forest School. Thank you! 

A number of responses said that a wider range of clubs, including free clubs, would be welcome and this is something we have actioned. Tray shares will continue to be held on a regular basis and following feedback trays will also be available to view directly before parents’ evening appointments to help inform discussions.

For pupils in Year 1 and above, we will continue to send an autumn and spring Attainment and Attendance update, along with a full written report in July.  The levels of attainment reported (working towards the age expected level, working at the age expected level or working at greater depth) are informed by teacher assessment.  This includes observations, marking work and any assessments carried out to give an overall attainment level against set criteria for each of the levels. 

Our door is always open and please feel free to get in touch whenever needed.

Parent View

As well as completing our annual survey, you can use Ofsted's online survey, Parent View, to share your views.