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Cherry Class 2024-25

Welcome to the Cherry Class pages where you can find out all about our Year 2 children and their learning. 

Cherry Class Newsletter Autumn 2024

Cherry Class Newsletter Spring 2025

Phonics in Cherry Class

Cherry Class Terms One and Two

During terms one and two, we have enjoyed all the fun, laughter and creativity that Forest School brings.  We have created log dogs, mogs, frogs and hogs and made an autumn wreath for the classroom (hanging in one of our class widows for all to see).

We have managed to fill Lympne’s Larder twice through a Cherry Class Bake Sale and a read-a-thon or Numbots-a-thon.  Mrs. Martin was so overwhelmed with the response and outcome of both of these events and feels tremendously proud of Cherry Class

Thank you and well done!

Throughout terms, one and two Cherry Class have worked hard to create amazing animal poems, written postcards to and from Bear. We have solved tricky addition and subtraction equations and identified 2D and 3D shapes. Cherry Class have learnt about past schools and had the pleasure of Mrs Deane and her mum Mrs. Dyer visit the class especially to speak with Cherry Class about their own school experiences and answered many questions. During Geography, the class have identified where the seven continents, two poles and equator are.

Cherry Class you have learnt so much these past two terms with so much excitement and enthusiasm and it has been an absolute joy to teach you. 

Merry Christmas Love Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Chapman


Autumn term class newsletter

Spring term class newsletter

Summer term class newsletter

Phonics in Cherry Class

Y2 Phonics and Spelling Progression Map




T5+6  Newsletter 2023

KIRF T6 2023

RSE Letter Term 6 2023


Term 6 has been another fantastic term for Cherry Class and a brilliant way to end the year. The first thing I want to do is to congratulate all the class, parents, friends and relatives on is our recent charity event. I am so proud of each of them. Between them they came up with the idea, made posters around the school, spoke to each class and made the sponsor form. The challenge was called ‘Make a change’ and as a team they have done that. Well done Cherries!

During English, we have been reading our book ‘The Bee Who Spoke’, from this we wrote predictions, diary entries and list poems. The book linked into our seed bombs to grow wildflowers to attract bees, we made these during one of our Inspire weeks about the environment. They were based on Antony Gormley’s, Field for the British Isle’s.

Cherries have worked extremely hard during our time topic in Maths. They have engaged well and have all progressed well with their time telling. Throughout every day we regularly check the time and how long until various things such as lunch and home time. Make sure you try it at home!

It has been a pleasure to teach Cherries in our Inspire term. They have loved every week. Some of the things we have done are performing their poems to the class, learning about and creating windmills, team games and artistic interpretations based on the work of Yayoi Kusama.

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the support you have given the class and myself. The class are truly amazing and each one of them will do brilliant things. I wish them all the success in Year 3, I know that they will continue to shine and grow in confidence.

I hope you all have an amazing holiday and make some lovely memories over the break. For one last time, well done Cherries and you have made us all so proud.

Mrs Stiles, Mrs Ralph, Mrs Martin and Mrs Chapman

Terms 3+4 2023

To start Term 3, we had our segregation day. Mrs Ralph and myself were so proud of the children with how they expressed and showed their passion. What especially made me proud was how they stood up for their friends and were not afraid to talk to Mrs Ralph, Mr Owen and myself about the unjust rules. Mr Owen had a mountain of letters by the end of the morning! I want to take the chance to thank all Cherry Class parents for your support. The insight the children gained from this experience was fantastic.

During our English this term, we focused on our instructional writing and the imaginative ways that we could capture our wicked hunter.

Money was a tricky subject for our Term 3, but the class rose to the challenge and progressed well. During our place value, the children developed their mathematical skills by using concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to support their learning.

In Term 4, we have been watching our caterpillars and their life cycles. During our English lessons this term, we had a go at rewriting the story        ‘Tadpole’s promise’ and ended by reading these with Willow Class.

Multiplication and division were our two main Maths topics and the class worked hard at developing their grouping and sharing skills.

A Note on SATS

I am sure you are all aware that in May our class will be taking part in the Standardised Assessment Tests(SATs) for our end of Key Stage assessment.

During term 3 and 4 we have been working through some past SATs papers. This will be to support the class in their approach to the questions and to show how they worked it out. Our aim is to help the class familiarise themselves with the layout and the expectations so that the tests become less daunting.

Further information around the arrangements for the SAT's will be sent out nearer the time but I wanted to let you know how we are supporting the class this term and ongoing in term 5.

I have been so proud of the children for the endurance and enthusiasm they have giving all their learning so far this year. They are all superstars and will continue to shine with Mrs Russell next term.

I want to also thank all the parents and children for being such an amazing class, it has been a pleasure and honour to work with you all. I can’t wait to hear from Mrs Russell all the awesome things the class have been learning about.

Any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to send Mrs Russell an email, this will be on the school website shortly.

Cherry Class have had a very busy term and have continued to make Mrs Ralph and I proud.

In English, we have been learning to write character descriptions, setting descriptions, newspaper reports, explanations, diary entries, calligram poems and much more. The newspaper reports of Santa and Snowman sightings were particularly amazing.

In our Vehicle lessons, we have been learning about the seven continents, the five oceans of the world, the UK and its four countries. The Snowman joined us during some of our learning and sprinkled silver, magic snow over the class.

In Maths, we have been learning about place value, addition, and subtraction, using a range of manipulatives to support us.

In Art, we have used printing to make wrapping paper, learnt about artist Wassilyevich (Wassily) Kandinsky and his technique of using shapes and colours to create moods and emotions. The class used tones to show different emotions in their artwork.

In Science, we learnt about living things and their habitats and everyday materials. In term one we used our outdoor spaces to support our habitats and microhabitats learning. In term two we have been using our materials Christmas tree to explore and compare a wide variety of materials.

All the children have worked extremely hard on their nativity practices and throughout their whole learning. We are so proud of them and all they are achieving.

We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing break and we look forward to welcoming you all back in the New Year.